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On this page you will find our selection of products from Feuerhand. Feuerhand is a brand that comes from Germany, and which started back in the year 1926, and thus Feuerhand also has a number of years behind it. The brand Feuerhand is a classic when it comes to equipment and gear in the outdoor context. The products are unique and original, which is also one of the reasons why the products from Feuerhand have been tried to be copied countless times. All their equipment and gear are perfect for all your upcoming outdoor adventures, whether you are going trekking far away from Denmark's borders or just going camping in the Danish countryside. Especially the kerosene lamps, which are very well known and recognized, are absolutely perfect around a campfire or in the hut when darkness falls.

The popular lanterns from Feuerhand

As mentioned above, the lantern is without a doubt one of the things that Feuerhand is best known for, and this is also where they have had one of their biggest successes when it comes to producing products of absolute top quality. A lantern was originally a ship's navigation light, but has been developed to be the lamp we know today, as it is a smart and indispensable tool when you are an outdoor enthusiast. A lantern can also help to create a very special coziness. Something very special happens when it comes to candlelight. This is true whether it is from candles in the home or the bonfire out in nature. Candlelight and the warmth it provides naturally invites to cozy moments, which we as Danes love very much. So in addition to the practical function of lanterns, they also create a very special atmosphere.




Fire hand

Fire hand

Fire hand